I have just come back from 5 lovely straight days off, hence no blogging (that’s my rule!). And I received a wonderful hand written note posted under my door. Now humilty means that I cannot post it, but I will spare my blushes as it is about chaplaincy and the other support services. It is from Rev’d E.R. Putnam and reads:
“I am deeply grateful for the wonderfully caring atmosphere that is “shed abroad” into the many different and distinctive disciplines of caring, supporting, and uplifitng the spirits of patients – many of whome come here anxious, firghtened and depressed. The Chaplain’s are also a tower of strength to so many of the hospital staff at all levels. Bless the Lord, O my Soul and all that is within me, praise his Holy name.”
I am grateful for Rev’d Putnam’s comments- and OK- it is not all about me! But it is about those who care and demonstrate compassion in the hospital. It is easy t
o forget the anxiety which patients feel as they come to this place. Will I be OK? Will they do a good job? Is all the stuff in the newspapers true? Are they bothered about me? Will they be nice to my family. And many more.
Rev’d Putnam highlights for us again that we are not just machines to be fixed. But people with emotional, psychological and spiritual lives who need nurturing and care.